Want to be notified immediately when you receive an email from a particular sender or web site? We can do that. The Mobile App lets you assign notification sounds for specific senders and domains so you never miss important email. Choose a unique sound for one sender, then use a different one for a domain. Set as many notifications sounds as you need. You’re in control.
1. Tap the SideMenu icon at the left of your navigation bar to open the Side Menu.
2. Tap the Gear icon at the bottom of the Side Menu to bring up Settings.
3. Tap Mail.
4. Tap Notifications at the top of the screen.
5. With the Allow Notification switch enabled, tap Sound to open a menu of sounds on the phone.
6. Confirm that the Sound Switch is on. If not, tap switch to enable.
7. Tap Specific Sound for Sender.
8. Enable the Customize notification for specific senders switch.
9. Tap the + sign and enter the email address or domain. Tap Done on your keyboard.
10. Tap on the email address or domain you wish to customize to bring up the list of sounds.
11. Tap your sound selection by placing a check mark to the right.
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