Yes. You may access your files and images in Drive once you’ve synchronized your device to your WebMail account. If you’ve set your device to sync automatically, your files will be available once the sync process has occurred.
To initiate the sync process manually:
1. Tap the Nav icon in the navigation bar to open the Navigation Drawer.
2. Tap the Gear icon at the bottom of the Navigation Drawer to bring up Settings.
3. Tap Accounts.
4. Tap the email address of the account you wish to sync.
5. Tap Sync.
6. Enable the radio button of the type of file you wish to sync.
7. Tap Sync Now.
You can also set your device to sync automatically:
From the Sync Screen:
1. Tap Auto-Sync.
2. Tap the radio button to enable auto-sync.
3. Tap Auto-sync frequency to select how often you want the syncing process to occur.
4. Tap When using Wi-Fi.
5. Tap the boxes to select the types of files you want synced when a Wi-Fi connection is available.
6. Tap When using mobile data.
7. Tap the radio button to allow the device to sync using mobile data
8. Tap the boxes to select the types of files you want synced when using your mobile data.
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